How to promote your Blog using Google Buzz

Finally Google transformed Gmail into a social networking utility. Google Buzz is created to help you share your status messages, links, images and videos with your Gmail contacts and your followers. If you still have no idea about Google Buzz, watch this official video. Well! In short, it is similar to Twitter, you can share links etc. and watch others’ updates in real time. The most useful thing about Google Buzz is that you can connect your existing accounts like Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, Google Reader etc. with it. So you can share updates on all these accounts with your Google friends easily. Google Buzz is a great tool to promote your blog or site as most of the people use Gmail, you can easily spread your blog posts among them.

As we already know, we can connect our social networking accounts with Google Buzz. Similarly, you can connect your blogs with it. Whenever you add a new article to your blog, it will be updated on your Google Buzz profile. To add your blogs and other accounts, simply add all these links to your Google profile. This will also become your public Buzz page. So, with the help of Google Buzz, you can share your blog articles without need of even visiting it. Your followers will get your every blog post on their buzz page.

So, this is very easy to promote your blog on Google Buzz. But always remember one thing, your social networking account should reflect you as a real human not as a bot. People don’t like to learn from bots and connect with them. So don’t just connect all your accounts and then leave it. Use it as you use Twitter, Facebook and all your other social networking accounts. Check updates of other people, follow more people, comment on their updates if you like them and share more useful stuff that is not posted on your blog. So people should think of you as a good friend or guide not as a spammer. Share posts from other blogs too. You can do that easily by adding those items to your Google reader shared page and connect your reader account to Buzz.

TIP: Share any page on Google Buzz in one Click

Google reader offers a bookmarklet to add any page to shared items. This can be used to share any web page on Google Buzz also. Just go to your Google reader home page and click on Notes tab on left side. Then drag the bookmarklet to your browser toolbar and click it whenever you want to share any blog article with your Buzz followers. Note that you must connect your Google reader with your Google profile first.

So, if you are using Google buzz, tell us what do you think about it and what features do you want in it to make it more usable? Also discuss, how it can help you and your blog. Happy Buzzing

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