Many people are affected by this Virus..from today morning!
Its Created by Brazilians!
Be Safe and dont view Scrapbooks at any cost.
Your account will be hacked! :|
Change your password as soon as possible! :|
What the Virus does?
It Sends "Bom Sabado" (Good Saturday) in Brazilian language to all your friends!
Joins some Brazilian Communities!
Can lead to your account being Compromised.
Use Old orkut Instead,its safe unless u open anyone's Scrapbook! :)
If you are not able to get back your account at any cost:
Visit here
Stay Safe!
Ever wanted to hack your friends accounts, whenever there were over your house or who evers! Or you just wanted firefox to save all your passwords without prompting you every single time! This is for you, read on!
1. Locate nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file (Default location C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components).
2. Open the file with word pad or notepad!
3. Press Ctrl + A on keyboard, and then press del or delete!
4. Copy and Paste all this: Code:
5. Make sure Firefox is closed and save the file!
6. Your Done!
From now on, when ever someone logs onto any site, they username and password will be save automatically without prompt!
To retrieve the account information: Make sure firefox is opened, go to Tools < Options... <>, then click on show passwords, and press yes! Hope that helped anyone Enjoy!
1. First you have to signup here:
2. Then Go here: and copy the codes and paste it in a txt file, and edit the codes as you need and rename it to anyfile.xml
3. Upload the .XML file in any host Free/Paid any will do.
4. Then go to
5. There you will see "submit" button. enter your xml file link, ex- and then click on "Submit".
6. Then it will ask to verify your link , get the code and open your .XML in your host and edit the code.
7. Replace ALm6fM3ziv/nbIqtq8Xk1T2w9xquC7wRWNLJ4IV6
8. Then again go to
Credits :Indian Ethical hacker
Credits goes to YashAs the name says! :D
You can follow a huge amount of people by just using this app. Not just any random people. But, people who are tweeting about the latest trends! ;)
The URL is:
And, to authenticate:*
As simple as that :)
How will it work?
Well, first it will fetch the trending topics from the index page of twitter and display them.
Then, it logins into your account.
After that, it searches for each topic through the Twitter JSON API. And returns the users.
Then, it follows the users :)
And, here is the source:
PS: It's advisable to use it on localhost, as it will be faster :)
Enjoy! :D