As you all know, Google's online Android Market is huge and has over 200,000+ Apps. They include from free apps as well as paid apps. Paid apps costs you from 1$ to even 300$.
Google's Android market doesn't allow us to try application before purchasing, but Amazon runs a parallel online store like Google's Android Market and it lets you to test and run the application before purchasing for certain applications.
Here is the list of certain applications that can be tried before purchasing, but unfortunately it this feature is only available to Android users located in United States.
Refund Allows you to try Paid apps free of Cost:
Well, if you want to try a Paid App on Google Android Market and if its too costly & you just want to try it for sometime, there is a way to try the app for 10-12 minutes.
You just have to buy the application, use it for 10-12 minutes and then refund the app. The app will be uninstalled from your mobile phone and your account wont be charged.
How to Refund an Android app?
Step 1: Visit the Google Android Market, from desktop or from your mobile phone, and buy any of the 'paid' apps.
Step 2: The app is now installed on your mobile phone. Launch the app and you can test it for 10-12 minutes.
Step 3. Go back to the Android Market app on your mobile phone and under "My Apps," tap the app name that you are trying to refund. Hit the "Refund" button and the app will be automatically uninstalled from your mobile phone.
Step 4. Once the App has been uninstalled, it may ask you to specify a reason for removing the app. You can check "I'd rather not say" here and the app amount will be refunded.
You will also get an email from google which quotes, "You have uninstalled the application from your phone. We have cancelled your order and you have not been charged."
The refund process is quite simple & easy to use and 10 minutes is more than enough for a person to get an idea about the app. However, there are 2 things regarding Google's refund policy which tells us that;
1. You may have only 15 minutes to return an app to the Android Market from the time of download and after that the "refund" option will disappear.
2. You can only return an app once, refunding wont work the second time on the same app.
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1 Comments to "Try Paid Android Apps before Purchasing"

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